2024 Inaugural OC Book Fair Schedule
Located Outside on El Camino Real at Main Street
10:00AM- Evoking Place in Prose with Marytza K. Rubio, Mary Vensel White, E.P. Tuazon & Barbara DeMarco-Barrett
Moderator: Candi Sary
11:00AM- From Page to Screen: Adapting for the Screen with James Cox, Hart Hanson & Anna Liza Bella
Moderator: Nizar Anjanovic
12:00PM- Authors in Conversation: Michael Scott Moore & Tom Zoellner
1:00PM- Romance Writers Panel with Isabella Kamal, Victoria Lum, Jeannie Choe & Jenifer Wood
Moderator: Michelle Pierce
2:00PM- In Conversation with Featured Author, Justinian Huang
Moderator: Haylee Slusser
3:00PM- Performance Poetry with Jeremiah Cobra, Raundi Moore-Kondo, Josh Wood & Douglas Manuel
Moderator: Josh Wood
4:00PM- Reading and Audience Q&A with Featured Author, Aaron Samuels
5:00PM- Women in Lit Panel with Swan Huntley, Sarina Dahlan, L.K. Bowen & Kathryn H. Ross
Moderator: Mo Fowler
6:00PM- Authors in Conversation: T. Jefferson Parker & Barbara DeMarco-Barrett
Located Outside on El Camino at Third Street
Super Star Story Time- Readings by:
10:00AM- Jocelyn Garcia, 2024 Miss Tustin
10:30AM- Leticia Clark, author
11:00AM- Tootie Nienow, author
11:30AM- Felicity Figueroa of OC Equality Coalition
12:00PM- Colleen Paeff, author
12:30PM- PJ Gardner Switzer, author
1:00PM- Tom Serafin, owner of Rasta-Cowboy Records
2:00PM- Interactive Super Star Story Time with Lesli Mitchell of Connect and Express
3:00PM- You Can’t Spell Comics Without Comedy with Jordan Morris, Keryl Brown Ahmed, Meghan Fitzmartin & Elliot Kalan
Moderator: Jude Atwood
4:00PM- Super Star Story Time Reading by Michelle Pierce, owner of Lido & Malibu Village Books
4:30PM- Illustrators Interactive by Joy Hwang Ruiz & Benson Shum
5:00PM- Shooting for the Stars with former NBA Clippers basketball player & Featured Author, Craig “Rhino” Smith
10:00AM- Groundswell Community Roundtable: Building Community
11:00AM- A Neighbor Like You: Creating Connection in Children’s Literature with Laura Segal Stegman, PJ Gardner Switzer & Ernesto Cisneros
Moderator: Beverly Plass
12:00PM- Creativity Never Stops: Writing and Art in Midlife and Beyond with Halley Sutton, Hannah Sward, Marjorie McCown & Lesli Mitchell
Moderator: Samantha Sophia
Located upstairs in the Knights of Pythias Building
1:00PM- Groundswell Community Roundtable: Storytelling with poetry reading by Marco Antonio Ortega
2:00PM- Authors of The Arvida Review with Jude Atwood, Jennifer Siglin, Mark Petrie, Megan Garner, Aitchel Andes, EJ Lagerburg & Alejandro Morales
Moderator: Nizar Ajanovic
3:00PM- Multiracial Americans of Southern California (MASC) Community Roundtable: Deconstructing Beauty Standards with poetry reading by Chloe Cervantes
Located in the Tustin Senior Center
Facilitated by Non Wels, founder of the Feely Human Collective.
Living Library is inspired by the Human Library, a Danish concept whereby people have one-on-one conversations with each other. It’s like you are checking out a book, but, instead, it is a real person (aka a Living Chapter) who shares their own stories with you.
Stop by the Living Library booth where you can sign-up to speak to a Living Library. Volunteers will walk people over to the Senior Center for their scheduled time slot.